Use cidjs SDK to interact with Core ID contracts
Javascript bindings for the CORE ID .core Domain
Overview of the API
Install @ciddomains/cidjs, alongcide web3.
Getting Started
All that's needed to get started is a web3 provider instance, you should pass it and select network id when creating a new CID instance.
Reverse Resolution
CID Interface
Returns a Name Object, that allows you to make record queries.
Returns a Resolver Object, allowing you to query names from this specific resolver. Most useful when querying a different resolver that is different than is currently recorded on the registry. E.g. migrating to a new resolver
Returns the reverse record for a particular Evm address.
Sets the reverse record for the current Evm address
Name Interface
Returns the owner/controller for the current CID name.
Sets the owner/controller for the current CID name.
Returns the resolver for the current CID name.
Sets the resolver for the current CID name.
Returns the TTL for the current CID name.
Returns the address for the current CID name for the coinId provided.
Sets the address for the current CID name for the coinId provided.
Returns the contentHash for the current CID name.
Sets the contentHash for the current CID name.
Returns the text record for a given key for the current CID name.
Sets the text record for a given key for the current CID name.
Sets the subnode owner for a subdomain of the current CID name.
Sets the subnode owner, resolver, ttl for a subdomain of the current CID name in one transaction.
Creates a subdomain for the current CID name. Automatically sets the owner to the signing account.
Deletes a subdomain for the current CID name. Automatically sets the owner to "0x0..."
Resolver Interface
Static property that returns current resolver address
Returns a Name Object that hardcodes the resolver
Build SDK and test on your test machine
Last updated